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Helena Christensen, Oxfam and a Pentax 67II

Pentax ceased production of the Pentax 67II camera this year. Maybe it was just too expensive to produce in small numbers, or maybe Pentax decided it was simpler to make the move to an all digital lineup of cameras.

There are some photographers however that are still use, and love, the Pentax 67II. It turns out that Helena Christensen, supermodel turned photographer, is one of them. I spotted this image of Helena with her Pentax 67 on the home page of the Guardian newspaper.

It links to a slideshow of her images documenting the effects climate change is having in Peru. You can see the slideshow here. Well worth checking out.


Peruvian Woman by Helena Christensen/Oxfam

Peruvian Woman by Helena Christensen/Oxfam



This entry was posted in: Photography


Travel writer and photographer living in Okinawa, Japan


  1. Katharine says

    They are great photographs of Peru and a good way of highlighting the issue of climate change.

    Does it remind you of your time in Peru, or did you spend little time in the mountains?

  2. From what I’ve understood, the problem is that some parts or subassemblies in the camera need to be made or ordered in reasonably large batches. Those parts are now running out, and the sales volume of the camera just doesn’t support another production run of those parts.

    Would have been nice had they come out with another, new model designed for lower volume production. Oh well – with the mechanical sturdiness and number of bodies made anybody who wants to can use it for the rest of their lives.

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